The European University of Cyprus, as the coordinator of the European Program ProADAS (Promotion of Active Aging Skills), in collaboration with the partners of the program organises a Free Online Conference that will take place on September 23, 2020 between 15.00-18.00 pm. The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, as partner of Proadas, will contribute to the final event with a presentation of the Secretariat.

The conference will present issues related to active aging by the participating countries of the European ProADAS Program. Taking into consideration the new trends and developments in the field of health as well as the needs of the elderly, issues concerning both the mental, social and physical health and well-being of the elderly will be presented and discussed with the aim of their active participation in society. So, if you are a health worker, nurse, doctor, psychologist, social worker, student of humanities or health sciences, adult educator, or a person over 60+ then the conference is for you. Information will be found in the attached form and conference content.

To participate in the Conference PLEASE use this link
Registration form here

More information about the project:

Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme





European University of Cyprus je kordinator na europskom projektu ProADAS (Promocijavještina za aktivno starenje) u suradnji s ostalim projektnim partnerima poziva Vas na besplatnu on-line konferenciju koja će se održati 23 rujna 2020 od 15:00 do 18:00. Na konferenciji će se predstaviti pitanja vezana uz aktivno starenje u zemljama koje su sudjelovale u projektu u sklopu Europskog projekta ProADAS. Prezentirat će se problemi vezani uz nove trendove i razvoj na području zdravlja te potrebna starijih osoba, posebice vezano uz mentalno, socijalno i fizičko zdravlje te dobrobit starijih osoba, s ciljem aktivnog sudjelovanja starijih osoba  društvu. Ukoliko ste zdravstveni djelatnik, medicinsko osoblje, liječnik, psiholog, socijalni radnik, student humanističkih ili sličnih znanosti, voditelj edukacija za odrasle, ili osoba preko 60+ ova je konferencija za Vas.

Detaljni program i informacije se nalazi u privitku.

Kako biste sudjelovali na Konferenciji MOLIMO koristite link

Prije 23. rujna molimo da popunite registracijski obrazac koji možete pronaći na sljedećem linku

More information about the project:

Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme



Presentations HR