8 February 2019. The ProADAS project partners gathered together for the first time in Athens to attend the Kick Off Meeting hosted by Xenios Polis in cooperation with University of Cyprus on 7 and February 2019 in Athens, Greece.
ProADAS project aims at tackling the gap between ageing population and digital literacy and address the high necessity for digital key competences due to seniors population proportion in Europe.
The lead partner introduced project objectives, actions and deliverables as well as the methodology of the initiative. The partners had the opportunity in Athens to discuss on how to develop the activities and the intellectual outputs. The Secretariat of the Euroregion participates to the meeting as project partner presenting the organisation and its role in the project.
The partnerships discussed on how to realise the main outputs such as review paper and research Paper on ageing population and digital literacy, handbook, e-learning courses, mobile application, etc. The project consortium defined also the next project meeting which be held in Paris in September.
More info at: http://proadas.eu/

ProADAS KoM in Athens, 6, 7 February 2019 – Photo 1

ProADAS KoM in Athens, 6, 7 February 2019 – Photo 2

ProADAS KoM in Athens, 6, 7 February 2019 – Photo 3