Financed by European Commission – DG Enlargement in the framework of PRINCE 2010-EU 27 Programme, the EU TUNE project aims at creating a community of secondary schools students from EU Member States, candidate and potential candidate partner countries composing the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The proposal focuses on the Adriatic region in order to strenghten the relationships among neighbour States and to increase the mutual awareness of next generation through the promotion of a digital language and a web-based communication system.

The project aims at making young students talk about their everyday life, the cultural and natural heritage of their country, hopes and expectations issuing from the forthcoming European enlargement, preconceptions and stereotypes related to their country and how to face them.

EU TUNE project addresses the specific objective, set by the European Commission, of showing the contemporary reality of candidate and potential candidates countries and illustrating their potential as possible future EU members. Besides, EU TUNE represents an important contribution to promote tolerance and understanding through intercultural dialogue and people-to-people encounters between citizens of the EU and of candidate countries and potential candidates.

The purpose of the project is to create a virtual community where young people could introduce themselves and know more about other students from Member and non-Member States, where they could learn about cultural and social characteristics of other countries and contribute to improve an intercultural dialogue on shared issues such as music, art, nature, travel experiences and on distinctive aspects of their culture such as national traditions or history.

The aim of the project is to make young people “talk” through the digital storytelling language, in order to prevent the growing up of preconceptions and stereotypes or to delete the existing ones. The Digital Storytelling in a narrative technics that facilitates people to tell their own ‘true story’ in a compelling and emotionally engaging form.

Moreover EU TUNE aims at stimulating an informed public debate in the EU about the benefits and challenges of the future EU enlargements and fostering an inter-institutional dialogue among academics and representatives of Regional, Governmental and European institutions related to enlargement towards candidate and potential candidate partner countries by organizing thematic workshop. EU TUNE foresees the organizations of thematic workshops approaching several topics related to the enlargement such as its state of art, its implications on the European policies and the its impact towards the expectations of next generations.

EU TUNE ( is a one-year project that started in January 2012. The project is coordinated by University of Rome “Guglielmo Marconi” based in Rome and its multi-actor partnership is composed by the Italian Institution Regione Molise and Associação de Professores de Sintra (Portugal). Several actors are involved in the project as associated partners: Istria Region (Croatia), Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Office of Youth – Ministry of Education and Sport (Montenegro) and Education Directorate in Shkoder (Albania). Associated partners are all from countries that compose the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion.