The CREATE Consortium met in Hannover (Germany) on 30 November 2018 for the 3rd transnational meeting of CREATE (Competitive Regions Employability of Adults through Education), a project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus Plus Programme. The event was attended by Representatives of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion Secretariat.

Afterwards, updates were provided on the CREATE website and platform and in particular the changes and additions made to the CREATE project website were illustrated: the “ToolBox” section was created which will include a set of practical tools for policy makers to ensure evidence-based decision-making and to better align adult learning policies and programmes with local socio-economic development.

Partners also discussed their experience with filling in the Toolkit evaluation table. The types of items chosen will be: tools, networks, case study, platform and policy. Users will be able to search both openly through keywords as well as by category.

In January, partners will enter the selected tools into the Toolbox and modify the existing tools.

Subsequently, the partners will conduct a peer review process and, after the final OK by all participants in the selection, the partners will translate the titles and descriptions of the tools.

The CREATE ToolBox will be made available free of charge in 7 different language versions to ensure the widest visibility and adoption.
The last important issue discussed during the meeting was the dissemination activity. The partners are strongly committed to give great visibility to the project through the online and offline modes and the Euroregion is strongly committed in disseminating project results in its cooperation area.

For further information on CREATE, please see the Project CREATE website
News about the project: Create Project on AIE website

Photos of the meeting