The conference was organized by BleuTourMed_C3 horizontal project on Sustainable Tourism which involves also Adriatic Ionian Euroregion as project partner.

The event, organized 18 months after the launch of 14 projects, brought together representatives from all modular projects from the community, including several partner from the Adriatic and Ionian area. The aim was to reach out to and to engage policy makers and stakeholders of the Mediterranean tourism sector, as well as to strengthen the cooperation amongst the community’s projects.

Three new projects, namely HERIT-DATA, INHERIT and COASTING, approved under the second call for proposals, have officially joined the community. They also signed the MED Sutainable Tourism_Athens Declaration of Intent.

The conference was dedicated to several thematic panels related to the promotion of evidence-based policies for sustainable development. These panels brought together representatives from projects, policy and decision makers, as well as tourism stakeholders. The aim was to present the main results of the projects’ works, put forward recommendations and confront policymakers.

The AIE moderated panel 3, namely “WHAT SHOULD WE CHANGE? Innovative management and planning strategies for sustainable tourism”. During the event, AIE has also the chance to meet stakeholders and exchange idea on future collaboration and possible joint actions and projects.

What was highlighted by the projects? There is a strong need to translate data and concrete project results into key messages to better influence policy makers, so BleuTourMed team will draft a capitalisation plan that will be disseminated among the community’s projects and then officially approved, most probably during the next event capitalization workshop which will take place in Marseille in autumn.

All working documents, including speakers’ presentation, will be available soon on the community’s website.

Much more information at this link

MED Sustainable Tourism Community


Conference photo


BleuTourMed_C3 Project Team