Title and Acronym: SWEEP – Select Waste for the EU Eco-system Protection

EU Programme: ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Lead Partner: Asociatia Socio-Culturala “Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul” Berbesti (Romania)

Partners: Partners: (1) Romania – Socio-Cultural Asociatia “Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul” – Berbesti; (2) Croatia – Jadransko jonska euroregija- Pula; (3) Slovenia- Lindska univerza Zavod za izobrazevanje odraslih in mladine – Lendava; (4) Turkey- Akhisar Halk Egitim Merkezi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu- Manisa; (5) Italy- Eurelations Geie- Campobasso; (6) Austria- U.F. B.- Wien, (7) Centrul de Pregatire Montana Himalaia prin Asociatia Club Spaortiv Eco-Alpin – Romania, Brasov

Project length: 24 Months (October 2018 – October 2020)

Total Budget for AIE: 23.747 €

EU co-financing: 100% of total budget


Sweep is a EU project aimed to ensure the respect for the environment and for encouraging separate waste collection.

The project’s purpose is to increase the sense of responsibility of the adults 50+ regarding the importance of waste separation by training the them to use of digital tools and technology related to the recycling/reuse of waste through an e-learning model provided on an interactive digital project platform.
Another important goal are to:

  • raise the awareness of the local communities about the importance of improving environmental protection;
  • increase the access to the information of the current European legislation relying on the Circular Economy and innovative perspectives until 2030;
  • exchange and capitalization of good practices and innovative experiences focused at chosen target;
  • increase the effectiveness of a European cooperation aimed at an issue of concrete interest for citizens in order to build up a Europe of people.

These goals will be achieved through training a target of people 50+ to use of digital tools and technology related to the recycling of waste.
To allow the learners to effectively gain knowledge in the field of waste separation, an interactive online learning platform will be set up.

Expected Results

  • The development of a logical approach to the problem and the different systems of separate waste collection in EU countries;
  • creation of an interactive learning platform;
  • innovative research contents on the recycling / reuse of solid urban waste;
  • e-learning course: 3 gamified training modules available through the platform.

Website: soon availabe 

Erasmus+ Programme: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/