The study “Going Macro-regional? Territorial cooperation, governance and regional and local authorities in the Mediterranean” has been commissioned by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), jointly with the Generalitat de Catalunya, to Professor Andrea Noferini.
The paper analyzes the territorial dimension of Euro-Mediterranean relations with a special emphasis on the role of regional and local authorities and the impact of current trends in multilevel governance, macro-regionalization and transnational spaces.
The study includes the experience of the European and Euro-Mediterranean territorial cooperation networks presents in the region. In particular, it takes as its framework of analysis the Mediterranean Cooperation Alliance platform (MedCoopAlliance), a unique platform or “network of networks” of the Mediterranean area. The MCA is integrated by the Conference of Maritime Peripheral Regions (CMPR), the Latin Arc, Medcities, the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion and the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion.
The main units of analysis are Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) in the context of European territorial cooperation. The analytical framework combines, in an original format, ideas and concepts stemming from the debate on the implementation of the SDGs and from the emerging literature on macroregionalisation and transnational spaces.
You can read more HERE
Official document on Generalitat de Catalunya website