Source: European Commission Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy, November 2017

The study on macro-regional strategies and their links with Cohesion Policy has been published by the European Commission. The final report covering all four strategies (Baltic, Danube, Adriatic and Ionian, and Alpine), as well as the EUSAIR.

The study aims at describing the main features of each macro-regions through a range of macroeconomic, competitiveness, integration and governance indicators.

The study analyses the achievements of each macro-regional strategy, the need and macro-regional relevance of the chosen (sub)-objectives and a review of achievements in relation to the objectives, as well as links to the European Structural and Investment Funds.

It also analyses the role of macro-regional strategies in coordination of EU policies and programmes, the effectiveness of cooperation and the relevance of macro-regional strategies for achieving future challenges and objectives. Finally, the report provides an analysis of the implications of the macro-regional approach for Cohesion Policy and recommendations for the future.


>>>General report

>>>Report on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

More details on  EC DG REGIO website