As Vice President of the Adriatic Ionian Group at the Committee of the Regions, Mr. Nikola Dobroslavic (AIE’s President) chaired on 17 May 2018 in Brussels the 14th meeting of this interregional group.

The meeting was focused on the EUSAIR implementation and it was introduced by Giannantonio Ballette from the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of European Commission, as Coordinator of the EU macro-regional Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.

The discussion was also focused on the state of play of the three main ETC programmes of the area. The speakers were:

• Nicola Panarello on behalf of the Managing Authority of the Interreg Italy – Croatia Programme;
• Lodovico Gherardi, Coordinator of the Managing Authority Unit of the Interreg ADRION Programme;
• Annamaria Zonno, Seconded National Expert at DG RTD on behalf of the Managing Authority of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy Albania Montenegro Programme;

In closure Giuseppe Sciacca from the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) provided a brief presentation of the AI-NURECC initiative developed in collaboration with the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion and the other three major networks of the area (Forum of the Adriatic Ionian Chamber of Commerce, the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities and UniAdrion).

Agenda of the meeting