Last 28 and 29 May, the Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion participated in the second edition of the MED Innovation Camp in Barcelona, where S3 experts, policymakers, and Interreg Euro-MED projects partners were engaged by the project Dialogue4Innovation (Interreg EuroMed Programme) coordinated by Emilia Romagna Region.

The meeting was useful to get inputs for developing the Transformative Innovation Policy Labs (TIPL), as one of the core activities of Dialogue4Innovation in the coming years.

The AIE Secretariat participated also to the Steering Committee of Dialogue4Innovation. The project consortium gathered in Barcelona at the premises of Generalitat de Catalunya to take stock of the MED Innovation Camp results and to discuss the next stages of the project in the Steering Committee. It was an important opportunity to validate the work so far executed and to refine the coordination and execution of the project activities, such as:

-The consolidation of the Mission Consultative Body (MCB), the first of two advisory boards acting as a close cooperation group of the project, the Mission and its related activities.

-The validation of the roadmap for the set-up up and launch of the ISEC Hub, a community of like-minded individuals coming from the entire Mediterranean region to drive a shared mission: to boost a fair transition to sustainable economy through transformative innovation in the Mediterranean basin.

The Hub will be launched in October 2024. Stay tuned for more updates!

Meanwhile, D4I partners are actively working for consolidating new results that will reinforce the next set of activities, such as the review study of policy priorities for ISE in the Mediterranean based on key institutional strategies or the assemblage of the methodology for the above-mentioned TIPLs to be performed across partner countries in the next years.

Usefull links:

INTERREG Mission on Innovative Sustainable economy (ISE)


More info here:

2nd MED INNOVATION CAMP in Barcelona