Croatia is preparing to join European Union, with historical-cultural celebrations, but particularly with a solemn ceremony organized by Istria Region. The ceremony, entitled “Istria without borders” will be held just on July the 1st , historical date for the same region and for the entire country that will enter in Europe, after about ten years of pre-accession negotiations, efforts to harmonize national legislation to the EU rules, to reform institutions and procedures.

For the occasion, the President of Istria, Valter Flego, called together all presidents and representatives of “friendly” regions – such as those belonging to the Euroregion, which have strongly supported Croatia’s accession to the EU – at the headquarters of Istria Region and at the House of Croatian Defenders of Pula. In these locations, the events will start at 14 pm. “We want to take this opportunity to celebrate the seventh birthday of the Adriatic Euroregion, founded in 2006, on June the 30th , just in the House of Croatian Defenders in Pula,” said the President Flego.

A double celebration, therefore, for Croatia, which intends to take with courage and optimism all new opportunities that will arise for the twenty-eighth state of European Union. A party during which Istria, which hosts events, will also show its artistic and cultural richness. After the solemn ceremony organized by Istria Region, to the guests will be offered an afternoon tour of the historical and artistic beauties of the city of Pula, among which the famous Roman Amphitheatre. In the evening, finally, at the House of Croatian Defenders, will be held the ‘”Academy of Istria County in solemn occasion of the entry of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union”, another event with a substantial artistic and cultural program.