BleuTourMed partners gathered for the project kickoff meeting that was held on 11 January 2017 in Rome at the office of UNIMED, the meeting was the second project event after the first organized by the Managing Authority of INTERREG MED in Nice, France on Nov 9, 2016.

The meeting was attended in representation of the Euroregion by the Secretary  General, Francesco Cocco and Andrea Di Girolamo, the senior project officer of the AIE secretariat.

The partners discussed about the main lines of the project strategy, the initialdeliverables, having also a general overview of the working packages (Communication, Community Building  and Capitalisation).

The partnership takes the main decisions, in terms of logistic and methodology, for the Kick off meeting of the modular projects. The agenda for this launch community event, that will be held in Marseille (France) on March 16-17, 2017, will be soon shared with the community of projects. 

The BleuTourMed’smain objective is to ensure the communication and capitalization activities of the “modular” projects (studying, testing and capitalizing projects) dealing with Sustainable tourism of the Mediterranean area in order to increase their impacts towards common identified targets. The main role of the Euroregion is to give a crucial contribution in the capitalization, especially in the west Mediterranean area.

After this initial months, BleuTourMedis now ready to implement concrete activities of communication and community building,such as capitalization events,to build a real community of modular projects onsustainable tourism.

Follow us on twitter account of the project: @MEDCommunity3_1

The project is co-financed by: