The Interreg ADRION programme launched the 2nd call for proposals addressed to Priority Axis 2 – Sustainable Region. The second call will be open from 26 March to 26 June 2018. It is targeted to some topics and sub-topics in line with some priorities defined by EUSAIR. The overall call budget as EU contribution will be of Euro 34,3 Millions.

For further information and specific call requirements check the Interreg ADRION programme website.


The first launch event on the Interreg ADRION 2nd Call for proposals – Priority Axis 2 – will be organized in Tirana on 11 April 2018. For more information on registration and agenda, please check Interreg ADRION website.

A second launch event is planned in Zagreb, at the end of April. Check Interreg ADRION website.