In the framework of Adrigov project (WP3, activity 3.1) and in collaboration with Municipality of Kotor, Informest and Regional Council of Tirana, it has been a two days working meeting in Podgorica (Montenegro) on the 13th and 14th of May, 2014.

The programme for the two days:

  • On May 13 in the morning – AdriGov ITC and PMU project meeting” (AdriGov partners only)
  • On May 13 in the afternoon – Workshop on “Small and Medium Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) development – Comparative analysis in IPA Countries” the event is addressed to AdriGov partners and AIE Members.
  • On May 14 in the morning “Committee session of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion – Commission on Economic Affairs and SMEs” the event is addressed to AdriGov partners and AIE  Members.

During the workshop, Informest presented to the participants a Comparative analysis on SME and FDI in IPA Countries.

deliverable WP3 Comparative Analysis by informest.pdf