In accordance with the art. 17 of the Statute, please take note that the IX – AIE General Assembly will be held on December o4th, at 3.00 p.m. in Bologna (Italy) at the premises of Emilia Romagna Region (Poggioli Room) with the following agenda:

  1. Report of the President on AIE activities;
  2. EUSAIR process – Latest news;
  3. Territorial cooperation in the new multiannual financial framework 2014/2020;
  4. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) in the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion perspective;
  5. Youth Adrinet – Presentation of project results,
  6. Election of AIE President;
  7. Election of AIE Deputy President;
  8. Renewal of Executive Committee of AIE;
  9. Renewal of AIE Thematic Commissions (Presidents and Deputy-Presidents) and AIE Board of Auditors;
  10. Any other business.

In addition, on days 5 and 6 December, work will proceed with a very interesting forum, organized within the Project Adri.Gov, with the theme “The EUSAIR – how to say it. Forum on Building a macro-regional awareness in the Adriatic-Ionian territories “.



Third draft programme Forum on EUSAIR_22 nov.pdf

REGISTRATION form_Bologna_DEF_15 nov.doc