The work meeting of the Adriatic Euroregion’s Commissions and Executive board took place in Dubrovnik (Croatia) the 12th and 13th June 2008. The meeting was attended by the member-regions; the Council of Europe and the Congress of the local and regional authority were present as well as observers. During each of the 5 Commission’s meetings (Commission for Culture and Tourism, Commission for Transport and Infrastructure; Commission for Environment; Commission for Fisheries and Commission for Economic affairs) some new project ideas with integral effect for the all Adriatic area were shared between its partners. These project ideas will be candidate for the EU founds finances in particular CBC IPA Adriatic programme. Those project proposals are the result of the technical coordination and the harmonious work between the Commission’s members. After the Commissions meeting the Executive board meeting took place and decided that Commissions should proceed with their work independently. They decided that the Commissions should develop only the project proposals that have an integral effect on the all Adriatic area. The similar ideas must be coordinated and integrated in one. They also decided that the Assembly meeting of the Adriatic Euroregion will take place the 10 June 2008 in Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna region (IT).