The working meeting of the Adriatic Euroregion’s Commissions took place in Venice (Italy) the 3rd and 4th December 2007 organized in co-operation with the Region Veneto. The meeting was attended by all member-regions from 5 Countries; moreover the prefecture of Corfu (Greece) and the Council of Europe were present as well as observers.

During each of the 5 Commission’s meetings, namely, Commission for Culture and Tourism, Commission for Transport and Infrastructure; Commission for Environment; Commission for Fisheries and Commission for Economic affairs; it was presented the working plan for 2008 and some project ideas were shared between its partners. Those project proposals are the result of the technical coordination and the harmonious work between the Commission’s members. The final say concerning the best projects was given by the Members of the Executive Board, in this initial phase; about 20 ideas were well accepted. Now its up to the Commission’s members to develop and extend those proposal for the beginning of 2008.