Puglia Region (IT)


Regional Council of Shkodër (AL)
Region of Istria (HR)

The coastal Adriatic-ionian regions and other settlements on the Adriatic and Ionian Sea already from the past realized their international communication and cultural partnership, however, the cooperation in the tourism field is still not enough developed.

The constitution of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion can foster the existing cultural communication and give new impetus to the construction of partnerships in the tourism domain.

One of the first initiatives to activate is the sum up of the state of play, what already realized with the help of EU programmes as well as of those initiatives achieved within each Region.

The proposal is to create “archives” containing information on the developed activities in the cultural and scientific branch. Those archives have to be divided per thematic, territorial and financial in order to obtain a real map of the ongoing relation in the cultural sphere.
For that kind of data-collection its necessary to entrust the work to a reliable subject able to elaborate the information’s obtained. Therefore we propose to delegate this responsibility to the OICS (Observatory for the cooperation for Italian Regions).

Furthermore, in the cultural area we propose as well:

  • Synergies and co-production in theatre and music field
  • Synergies and co-production in areas of cinematography, audio-visibility, documentary, activating the local film commissions, if there exist.

In relation with tourism, is necessary that the Regions and municipalities continue in the following direction:

  1. To promote joint communication plans through which it will be possible to promote tourist and cultural itineraries stressing the importance of the common history. Those itineraries could include archaeological sites, architecture and medieval arts, meeting points of common traditions and cultural heritage since pre-Roman times, UNESCO monuments, the principal museums and all places naturally particular and valorised.
  2. To activate initiatives of coordination of touristic operators, stimulating proposals’ for a better connection of the two Adriatic coastlines (new cruises lines) and aiming to extend the low-season activities.