The AI-NURECC Initiative event in Campobasso was all about participatory processes and bottom-up approaches that can stimulate and reinforce a shared sense of ownership of the EUSAIR.  Focusing on the multilevel governance approach and some of its declinations at territorial level, the event promoted a stronger role of of Adriatic-Ionian local and regional authorities in both the macro-regional strategy and the EU, also by means of a deeper cooperation between EU- and non-EU members.

The CPMR, Coordinator of the AI-NURECC Initiative, and the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion organised a seminar in Campobasso (Italy) to contribute in providing added value for the implementation of the EUSAIR macro-regional strategy. The event took place on 4 and 5 November 2019 at the premises of the University of Molise in Campobasso.

The two-days event focused on multi-level governance (MLG) in EU policies and in local development policies of the Adriatic Ionian region and, in particular, on the role and added value of MLG approaches in enabling regional convergence as well as the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Region (EUSAIR) ­by local and regional authorities of both EU members and Western Balkan countries.

The event saw the participation of speakers from Albania, Greece, Italy and Montenegro and was targeted to Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Local Action Groups (LAGs), CLLD stakeholders such as NGOs, local development associations, local self-governments, rural entrepreneurs, students and young professionals.



The event was an occasion for presenting the AI-NURECC analyses on the state of play of multi-level and multi-factor governance and on the state-of-the-art of the research environment in the EUSAIR area, elaborated by the Association of Universities of the Adriatic-Ionian area (UniAdrion), AI-NURECC partner. The status of research and territorial application of participatory models of rural and local development was also addressed by academic and technical experts from the University of Molise, University of Salento and Italian research centres. Two case studies were brought to the attention of these thematic experts: the development strategy of the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by Secretary General Mr Enea Hoti, and the territorial regeneration project of Castel del Giudice municipality in Molise.

Among the other topics that were discussed, Mr Kostantinos Giotopoulos from the Chamber of Achaia (Greece) illustrated the creation of an Adriatic-Ionian Strategic Partnership for the development of a new thematic area within the frames of the Smart Specialisation Strategy’s Industrial Modernisation Thematic Platform, with a focus on Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs). The initiative will involve regions, academic and research institutions, the industry and the civil society, which will cooperate as to identify strategic investments, promote an innovation transfer mechanism in the AI-area, with a view to supporting AI-CCIs’ adoption of innovation-enabling technologies.


An Albanian-Montenegrin delegation of regional and local authorities was involved into discussing multi-level governance and macro-regional approaches as a way of boosting cooperation across the Adriatic Ionian region. Enshrined in the 2020/2027 programming period’s preparatory documents, participatory models were highlighted as possible tools for boosting regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and in stimulating a better understanding and implementation of macro-regional priorities. The delegation also attended a study visit that was aimed at illustrating models of rural development based on private-public initiatives and supported by intermediary bodies such as Local Action Groups (LAGs). LEADER, Community-led Local Development (CLLD) and Stewardship approaches were examined together with local organic farming case studies such as the Biodistretto Laghi Frentani (Laghi Frentani Biodistrict).

The session ended with the signature of the Declaration of Campobasso “A new development model for Albania and Montenegro”

Followup Document

Agenda_AI-NURECC Campobasso_4-5 Nov_EN_finale

Agenda Study visit_Campobasso

PRESENTATIONS Campobasso event

Declaration of Campobasso

Study on Multi Level Governance