The Italy-Croatia CBC Programme has approved 22 “Standard+” projects submitted in the framework of the 1st Calls for proposals. The results of the 1st call for Proposal are available here.

Several projects, proposed by the Italian and Croatian members of the Euroregion, have been selected for funding. The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion has granted the project BLUE KEP that will be co-financed by the programme under the Priority Axis Blue innovation. The project has passed the final quality assessment and the Programme Monitoring Committee has approved the rankling lists during the last meeting held in Split (Croatia) on the 26th and 27th October 2017.

BLUE KEPBLUE Knowledge Exchange Program and integration of education systems in the cross border area will be leaded by the Italian partner Informest. The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion will be mainly responsible for the communication and will ensure the outputs transferability in the AI area.

The topic of BLUE KEP is the Blue economy and its value chain (Nautical, shipbuilding, and maritime technologies).

The project aims at enhancing the framework conditions for innovation in nautical and maritime sectors within the cooperation area, by strengthening integration of education systems in the cross-border area through the harmonization of the technical education systems.
This goal will be achieved through standardization of school curricula and methods for assessment and recognition of educational and professional knowledge of students. The project will produce cooperation agreements, teachers exchanges, student mobility and training programs that will not only provide students with valuable educational and professional experience, but they will also contribute to provide companies with future specialized labour force.

The added value of the project’s cross border approach stems from the exchange of good practices among different education systems in Italy and Croatia which will be achieved through the strict cooperation among involved actors.

BLUE KEP will have a strong involvement of nautical and technical institutes as the main recipient of the project. Students will partecipate in traineeships and mobility exchanges.

The implementation phase is expected to start in December 2017.

For more information: