BlueTourMed project, the Horizontal Project of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community, came to an end in October 2019. The association Adriatic Ionian Euroregion has been actively involved in the project implementation giving its contribution in the project activities, as well as in promoting project results in the Adriatic Ionian macroregional area.


It is time now to share all the KEY RESULTS and POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS produced by the project on Sustainable Tourism.

COMMUNITY BUILDING: The CB activities of the BleuTourMED were mainly focused to create the Sustainable Tourism Community promoting the creation of links among actors in order to share the knowledge and analyse the work developed by the modular projects (MPs) endeavouring to ensure a scientific approach. Technical meetings (workshops) were organised in order that the actors of the projects worked together.

The main result of the CB activities is that the actual creation of the Community: the majority of the actors of the MP recognise the added value of participating in the working groups and to find potential links with other projects and initiatives that would not have been possible without the horizontal project.

CAPITALISATION: The capitalisation activities were focused on transforming the technical work of the Community into messages for policy makers collecting the various points of views of the MPs supported by concrete proofs of best practices, thus evidence-based messages.

Capitalisation activities’ initial step was the Mid-term capitalisation Conference (Rome, June 2018) and the final, the Barcelona Convention (June 2019). Besides, a side event of the European Week Cities and Regions was celebrated in Brussels (October 2019) where the messages were presented to policy makers.

An important capitalisation effort was performed by the partnership through the participation to key public events (external to those organised by the MPs) in order to present the work of the Community to external stakeholders.

The main results of CB and CAP activities have been the achievement of creating an increasingly known MED Community of actors that understand the importance of connections with other projects and the leverage effect of sharing knowledge and prepare documents/messages/outputs as a Community involving more than 200 actors.


(EN) – (IT) – (FR)

Document gathering the main high-level policy messages of the work of the MED Community and offering a match with current initiatives.



4 documents representing the official position of the Community on 4 hot topics (monitoring, tourism impacts, sustainable development, and governance) produced by representatives of MED Modular Projects and linked to the best practices and their findings.ù



6 papers with a scientific approach analysing hot topics of the tourism sector regarding sustainability such as monitoring, impacts, sustainable development and governance.



Open online database composed of project deliverables and tools, scientific papers and reports on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. It includes a search engine that allows the user search by different components such as keyword, spatial scope or funding programme.